Thursday, July 7, 2011

Announcement: Monathalon

So, one thing I do a lot now is watch music videos on I know what you're thinking. "Hey Warrior, couldn't you be doing something more useful with your time? Training for battle or inventing new anti-biotics?" You know what, you are right. That is why I am hereby officially announcing that in 6 months a new sport will explode the dank swamps of Tampa Florida: The Tampa Monathlon.

What is a Monathlon you say? You are familiar with a Triathlon, where you run, swim and bike over the course of a day? Well I don't have all day. In the Monathlon you run through waist deep water while carrying a bike.

Rules: you run a half mile course in waist deep water carrying a bike. First Monathalete to cross the finish line wins. The bike has to be fully functional and ride-able. Anybody with a questionable bike will be asked by the judges to ride on it for 200 yards. The Monathlon is open to all competitors, reguarless of age, gender or athletic ability. There are no divisions, everybody races every body else.

Saturday January 7th, Location to be announced. Monathletes respond in the comments to sign up.

I'm serious. This is happening. Even if I am the only one to run it.

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